Sample LOE For Study Refusal In Graduation in Operations Management, Canada - SOP Pro

Sample LOE For Study Refusal In Graduation in Operations Management, Canada

Below is a Sample LOE For Study Permit Refusal in Canada


The Visa Officer

High Commission of Canada

Sub: Application in response to study permit refused on 03/04/2022 (S304781737

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, Vikram Singh extend my heartfelt gratitude for allowing me to present my case once again in a desire to study in Canada. I possess a rich experience in Project Management at the Pharma division. However, as time has passed by and I have gained an intricate knowledge of the core domain, I intend to upgrade my technical know-how of the operations so that I can reserve better career opportunities back home. Owing to this, I have finalized to pursue Graduate Certificate in Operations Management at Fanshawe College. I am glad to share that I have also received a Letter of Admission for the September 2022 intake. Unfortunately, my last visa application was rejected due to the following ground: 

  • I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on the purpose of your visit.  

I, therefore, utilize this opportunity to detail to you my purest intentions to study in Canada with no desire to extend my authorized stay in the country. With this, I am determined to explain to you my career plans and personal reasons to return to India.  

I hope by the end of this application, I would be able to convince you about my status as a genuine temporary entrant in Canada by also nullifying the aforementioned grounds. 

Purpose of Visit   

Having already given considerable time to my career in the pharma industry, I have developed a knack for managing bigger projects. I have shown impeccable performance throughout my career and have received many accolades. Right from project planning, to tracing to reporting, forecasting, yield improvement, process optimization, new product validation to handling technical issues, I have outperformed in each sphere. As a result, I am currently looking for a profile upgrade. There could be nothing better than acquiring higher education in my chosen domain as I currently do not hold technical expertise in the same. However, I have realized that if I can perform astonishingly without a formal qualification then gaining one actually will add stars to my career progression. Hence, I have headed to Canada to seek international exposure because it certainly augments one’s career growth back home. As a result, I have planned to visit Canada for further studies. 

Why Canada?   

Reflecting upon Canada’s high-ended lesson delivery and a well-established infrastructure supporting higher studies, I can sum up Canada as one of the best educational hubs for pursuing higher studies. Especially, as I come from India, affordability is one of the major concerns for me that can be well-managed by studying in Canada. Compared to other English-speaking countries like the USA, UK, or Australia, Canada certainly offers affordable tuition and living expense for international students like me. Moreover, Canada is recognized for its peaceful environment. It is ranked seventh on the Global Peace Index which boosts my morale to stay in a safer land. The bi-lingual approach in Canada will serve as an advantage to me as English is the second most spoken language here which will allow me to have beneficial interactions throughout my stay here. The quality of life on the other hand is something that I as an international student must experience to set such standards back home. As a result of the international exposure that I will gain in Canada, I will be in a much better position to revolutionize the way of working in my home country upon my arrival. Also, knowing that international students are treated equally as the citizens of Canada ensures me about an unbiased culture that prevails in Canada. As a result, I am excited to begin my studies in Canada and augment my career growth back home. 

Why Not India?   

Studying in India will introduce me to literal concepts as our education system sticks to more theoretically inclined lessons rather than imposing practical learning. However, Canada’s advanced study system incorporates a more pragmatic approach to delivering education. As I am aiming to rise high in my career graph, I intend to garner qualitative international exposure that I can certainly gain by studying in Canada and not India. The globally accredited qualification in Canada will allow me to succeed back home as Indian employers place a higher value on internationally educated individuals than indigenously prepared counterparts. Hence, I believe I can garner better study experience in Canada than in my home country. 

Why Operations Management from Fanshawe College?   

As I prepared myself to study in Canada, I was determined to find a suitable college that can perfectly match my study aspirations. After browsing through various colleges in Canada, my research halted on the curriculum offering available at Fanshawe college. It is by far the closest derivative of my previous professional experience and the one that I desperately want to pursue to strengthen my technical expertise in the domain of operations management. As a part of my curriculum offering, I will study Risk Assessment, Advanced Professional Communication, Project Management, Business Operations Technology, Employee Relations, Leadership & Management Fundamentals, and Operations Management Processes that interest me the most. I need to get a stronghold on these topics to perform better as I grow upward in my career ladder. Moreover, studying in an international education environment will add to my experiences as I will study amongst the most diverse group of students. By studying at Fanshawe, I will also experience dedicated faculty support due to its small-class size ratio and availability of capstone projects. All of this including the college’s high-ended infrastructure, learning support, field trips, guest lectures, speaker interaction, etc. will evolve me into a well-rounded professional which is hard to come by if I am to study indigenously. Thus, I am convinced that choosing to study at Fanshawe College is certainly the wisest choice that I have made in favor of my career success. 

Reasons to return to India   

Family Ties   

I have been raised in a well-mannered Indian family that besides me comprises my father and one sibling. My father is a <add designation> and my brother is <add title>. Unfortunately, I have lost my mother as a result of her untimely demise. Since then, we have been living in close association sharing a very strong bond. As a result, I cannot think of staying away from him for a longer time. I also need to manage our well-preserved movables and immovables in India along with my brother Hence, to take care of my father in his growing age and accompany him for the rest of his life, I feel myself accountable to return in his closeness. I wish to give every bit of financial, emotional, and physical support to him upon reestablishing myself in India in a much more graceful position. Having no ties in Canada offers a binding reason in support of my candidature as a genuine temporary entrant.  

Future plans   

As a short-term goal, I would be channelizing my efforts to acquire complete knowledge of industrial management, focusing majorly on operations management as a core domain. As I would return home, I will utilize my industry connections to grab a decent position as a senior operations manager, operational analyst, production scheduler, logistics manager, purchasing manager, or project manager. However, in the long-term, I envision my growth towards becoming the CEO of a reputed organization in India. 


Declaration of funds: I come from a well-established family, that owns substantial properties and various intangible assets. We possess immovables worth CAD 274604.31 and substantial properties consolidating our net worth to CAD 312864.99. Attached is a copy of our family’s financial details. Owing to my future endeavors, my family is fully supportive of the same. However, not to burden them more, I have also availed an education loan of CDA 32940 from <add financial institution’s name>. As a result, I have paid the tuition fee of CAD 17,714 and deposited CAD 10,000 into the GIC account. Enclosed herewith a proof of payment for your kind consideration. Considering my family’s financial wealth, I can rely on my family to extend additional financial support in case I might incur any expenses during my stay in Canada. 

Language Proficiency: I have studied from English-medium background. However, to fulfill the language proficiency criteria, I have taken the IELTS test and have scored an overall bands score of 7.0 having no band less than 6.5 (Listening-8.0, Reading-6.5, Writing-6.5, Speaking-6.5). Please find the IELTS transcript attached herewith.   

Oath: I am a law-abiding individual aiming to pursue further studies in Canada. Throughout my stay, I will adhere to the Canadian Immigration Laws. I am also determined to follow all the international student immigrants. I will act concussively to maintain the Law and Order in the country. Never, for once, I will disobey the Canadian Laws. Rather, I will add to its rich cultural diversity. I will pay huge respect to the opportunity being given to study at an institution as renowned as Fanshawe College.  

I, therefore request you consider my application and allow me a visa permit so that I can fulfill my study objectives in a land of peace and harmony that Canada is.

Yours Sincerely,  

Vikram Singh

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