Sample LOE For Study Permit Refusal Health Care Administration and Service Management, Canada - SOP Pro

Sample LOE For Study Permit Refusal Health Care Administration and Service Management, Canada

Below is a Sample LOE For Study Permit Refusal in Canada


The Visa Officer

High Commission of Canada

Sub: Application in response to study permit refused on 17/03/2022 (S304725063)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, Rohit Sharma express my sincere gratitude to you for allowing me another opportunity to present my case and reinstate my intent to visit Canada. Belonging to the field of dentistry, I have witnessed a lot of patients facing issues with the existing healthcare administration and related services in India. Also, my frequent visits to various medical facilities have strengthened my belief about India’s dire need to have a robust healthcare administration in place. Hence, I am ardent to transform my career into a professional healthcare administrator while also helping my patients develop healthy oral hygiene habits. I have, therefore, planned to acquire formal training by pursuing Graduate Certificate in Health Care Administration and Service Management available at Conestoga College. I have also received a Letter of Admission but my previous visa application got rejected due to the following ground: 

  • I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on the purpose of your visit.    

Hence, through this application, I aim to justify my candidacy as a genuine temporary entrant to Canada that can offer you valid reasoning to support my visa grant. 

Purpose of Visit   

By visiting Canada, I am solely aiming to acquire formal training in my chosen program at Conestoga College. Canada’s health care system is highly acclaimed in the world and I am certain to benefit by studying under qualified mentors utilizing modest pedagogical approaches. My country is expanding its medical operations by leaps and bounds and I can envision a bright future and progressive contribution to the Indian healthcare administration department. Hence, I want to visit Canada so that I can prosper my plans for further studies. I am very excited about the opportunity to fulfill my educational goals in Canada as it will aid in achieving my career goals back home. 

Why Canada?   

Students from all over the world come to Canada for seeking higher education due to its advanced pedagogical approach and modern methods of learning. Its cutting-edge study culture and open learning environment cause me to choose to study in Canada. It is one of the most peaceful countries in the world which gives me confidence about having a safe and unbiassed stay in Canada. I am also overwhelmed by its diverse population that co-exists peacefully. Through this, I am certain to build great connections and professional networks for a lifetime that will help me grow in my career. I am also glad to know that Canada allows equal freedom and rights to its international students. With this, I am sure to reserve qualitative learning experiences for myself. Through embracing health care management studies in Canada, I will learn about the health care norms in a globalized environment. Hence, I would be able to incorporate similar health care standards in India upon my arrival back home. 

Why not India: Indian health care industry is booming yet it requires prominent changes wherever administrative services are required. I can study health care administration in Indian medical colleges too but the quality of education is not at par with the kind of education available in Canada. Our study system is highly theoretical than Canada which bases its educational learning on practical implementation. Through studying in Canada, I will acquire strong managerial aptitude which I cannot develop by studying in India alone. The affordable cost of education in Canada is at par with the cost of education available at some of the top-rated Indian colleges. However, graduating in Canada will get me a competitive edge in my country. Foreign education is highly accepted among Indian employers due to practical exposure. Hence, I am sure by arriving in India upon completion of my studies, I will garner better career opportunities back home which is not so if I am to study in India. 

Why Health Care Administration and Service Management at Conestoga College?   

In my pursuit to gain a qualitative education in health care administration, I compared a vast variety of courses available at Canadian Colleges. However, I found the one available at Conestoga College to perfectly match my study aspirations. My study goals are completely in line with the inclusion of topics in Communications for Effective Health Care Administration, Project Leadership in Health Care, Health and Social Service Systems in Canada, Health Information Management Fundamentals, Law and Health Care Administration, Health care Policy, Ethics for Health Care Managers. I am greatly intrigued by the vastness of this curriculum. Also, my friends and close acquaintances who have experienced studying at Conestoga College earlier have validated its authenticity as a leading educational institution. My bit of research has confirmed to me its well-curated infrastructure and eminent facilities on board. Also, the small class size will augment my learning experiences. It will provide me an opportunity to transform my theoretical learning into practical exposure through an opportunity to undergo a Capstone project that will further my learning at Conestoga College. I am thus, placing a high value on gaining education here than in my country. 

Academic and professional record 

My academic roots have been strengthened by a literate education background in my home. Hence. I passed my secondary school in 2013 with an overall CGPA of 7.8 and completed my senior secondary school with an overall percentage of 80% in 2015. Possessing a fascination with the medical field, I passed Bachelors in Dental Surgery in 2021 with the second division which is well-reputed in the Indian education system. Since March 201, I am working as a General Dentist at Manmeet Dental Clinic which is located in Hoshiarpur, India. Over time I have observed a severe need for revolutionary health care management services which can boost the entire style of working for medical practitioners and offer a great facility for patients in India. Hence, with a zeal to contribute to this department, I am aiming to acquire formal education in health care administration and service management. 

Reasons to return to India   

Family ties    

I come from a traditional nuclear family in India that comprises my father, mother, and sister. My father is a retired/pensioned government officer from Punjab State Power Corporation Limited, my mother runs a successful boutique in our hometown, and my sister is <add what she is doing>. Of all the time, I have been in India, I have shared a major chunk of my life with them. Hence, I am very attached to my family and share very strong ties with my family members. I cannot imagine staying away from them for a longer time and so I have planned to return to India after the completion of my studies in Canada. With this, I would be able to offer support to my parents who are growing old. Also, I would be able to take care of my sister in the longer run. Moreover, my family possesses movable and immovable assets which I will need to manage upon my return to India. Hence, to shoulder my family’s responsibility as well as manage our voluminous assets, I plan to return home. With this, I declare that I do not possess any family ties in Canada and I will seek a timely return to my country. 

Future plans   

Through studying in Canada, I inculcate a short-term goal of scoring higher grades and passing out my study program with flying colors. Utilizing a high-ended study experience, I will garner better career opportunities within the Indian health care industry upon my return to India. I envision myself becoming a well-rounded healthcare professional securing roles in healthcare management as an administrator, manager, departmental head, or strategic planner. The Indian medical facilities are reserving higher growth and possess even higher potential to uplift the Indian health care job market. As I am aiming to hone my skills in the long term with eminent health care facilities in India such as Max Hospitals, Fortis, AIIMS, etc., I am also ardent to grab a great academic exposure through studying at Conestoga College. 


Declaration of funds: I possess a strong financial background. As a result, my parents have extended to offer sponsorship for my education in Canada. My family possesses movable assets of CAD 59313.19 and immovable assets of CAD 63434.49 contributing to our total NetWorth of CAD 122747.68. My family’s financial details along with a CA-approved report are attached for your kind reference. In light of this, along with my parents’ support, I have also paid a tuition fee of CAD <add figure> and deposited CAD<add figure> into the GCI account. Please find a proof of payment attached herewith. I am also convinced that my family will extend support in case of additional expenses that I might incur during my stay in Canada.  

Language proficiency: To prove my English language proficiency, I have taken the IELTS examination and have secured an overall score of bands 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 (Listening: 6.5, Reading: 7.0, Writing: 6.0, and Speaking: 6.0). Hence, I am convinced about having a seamless communication experience. The IELTS transcript has been enclosed herewith.     

Oath: Through my visit to Canada, I am hoping to gain a qualitative education experience. I have also familiarized myself with the Canadian Immigration Laws and I am determined to abide by the same. Utilizing my study time well in Canada, I will be able to combat a cut-throat competition back in my country. Hence, I am devoted to bringing pride to Canada with this association and adding royalty to its image as a global education leader. I will forever remain indebted to Canada for allowing me to thrive in advanced education culture.  

I hope my genuine intent to visit Canada will allow you to support my candidacy as a genuine temporary entrant and you will be convinced to grant me a student permit.  


Yours Faithfully, 

Rohit Sharma

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